Speaking of American Idol...who are TOP 3 favs to make it to the finals?? Here's mine!
1. Adam
2. Allison
3. Danny
GO ADAM!! YOU ARE TRULY amazing and HOW in the world did NO one pick you up before American Idol?? That totally blows my mind! I just LOVE his presence, confidence, his amazing voice, his smile and his looks of course!
Ok...totally OFF subject but check out these GORGEOUS and amazing SHOES that I will OWN someday even if I have to buy them off ebay! lol My husband shakes his head everytime I talk about the Christian Louboutin's shoes that I want!! Seriously...HOW fabulous are these?? Now if I just convince my husband and if I could actually walk in them!! lol I would do it though....I would put blisters ALL over my feet for these shoes!! Wouldn't you?? NOW these are some FIERCE shoes!!
Much love to everyone!!! I am leaving for LA tomorrow for 7 DAYS so I will try to keep up with the blog while I'm gone!! Have a great week!!
Totally Thankful for my faith in God and trusting in him that things will work out as planned. Totally Thankful for my NEW EYEBROWS....(got them done by Christi Harris tonight), NO WAXING, NO TWEEZING, NO THREADING, LASER, etc...LOVE THIS TECHNIQUE!! As soon in O Magazine!
I totally agree with you. He is so talented and has an amazing voice.
No way, you are going to LA.. I am so jealous.. how fun that must be.
YES girl!! Love me some Adam...he has the performing side and the VOICE!! :o) Yes..for 7 days..I'm super excited! I will be thinking about you and your family...also as soon as I get back I wanted to talk to you more about what we talked about doing...I CAN'T WAIT to get everything up and going!! XOXO
I love Adam too!!!
I do heart Adam..except for that johnny cash song I think he is awesome!! Good luck and have fun in LA...oh and the shoes. I would love to own them but i'd never have the coordination to actually walk in them! I LOVE to go to Neimans and just look at all the fancy shoes...as I wear my flip-flops and know it will never happen! And I am totally loving that Bella is a shoe girl already...maybe she will own & be able to walk in them one day!
OH those shoes are to die for!!!! I love all your pics! Your blog is so cute! I found you from Crystals blog :) I will most def. have to keep up with your "fun" blog :)
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