Your probably wondering whats up with my title....well I will tell you! My amazing sister has opened up her very FIRST store in the San Antonio area. It is called p.d.w. Designs hence the name PRETTY DAMN WONDERFUL. This saying originally came from my Uncle Bo who told Tammy a long time ago that she was PRETTY DAMN WONDERFUL! Cool huh?? And let me tell you....SHE really IS! She has had her fair share of ups and downs in the last 12-13 years and this is such a cool thing and a great accomplishment! She is NOT technically "my sister" but my ex-sister in law....BUT SISTER is a title given to one that has been SISTERLY, not necessarily by BLOOD! She is amazing and we are very proud of her. You know my niece and nephew I always talk about...she is their MOM!! Love ya TAM!
Ok....enough of that because when she reads it I'm sure she will cry! :o) My mom used to say that TAM would cry when she took the trash out!! LOL about a month ago she officially opened her store!! YEAH! We went to SA for the GRAND OPENING Party and Ribbon was so great and we were SO happy that we got to be there! So...let me tell you a little bit about my sister and what she does that way you will have a better understanding of the store! She does interior design, staging, floral arrangements, Picture Art, painting, and MUCH more! She does something called "STAGING TO STAY" too....basically just redoing your home with your things and maybe some additional art work/florals, etc. She is REALLY great at what she does!! She was just here at my house last weekend painting for 14 hours a day and staging our house to sell!! It looks SOO amazing and our realtor was SO excited because he said EVERYTHING was PERFECT!!! He didn't wanted to change a thing!!
Ok...SO enough talking...I have TONS of pictures from that here they are!!!
My daddy and Brian (hubby) putting up the sign!
Here are a few pics from the inside of the store. The WALL of fabrics is for custom boutique furniture and upholstery. 
My niece Maddie...she was a GREAT sales girl!! :o)
You CAN'T have a grand opening without a little WINE!! :o)
Here is the OFFICIAL RIBBON CUTTING photo!! There was about 40-50 people there during the grand opening party!! It was a great turnout!!
Karen, Father Will and my daddy
So remember the crying granny (who wasn't able to come) gave my sis this crystal candy dish for her store. Its was given to her by my Uncle's mom who has passed was very special. And...yes you guessed...she cried! (me too, a little!)
Me, Shayne and Mads..LOVE THEM!!! :o)
My mom wearing a pettiskirt after the party!! Isn't she cute??
Mads and my hubby messing around! He LOVES her so much and she loves all the attention she gets from him!! :o) (she was extra clingy to him this day)
Left to Right: Aunt Robbie, Tam, Aunt Dottie and my mom
Both of my aunts came all the way from Corpus for a 3 hour party!! It was very sweet and I was SO glad they came to support Tammy. This is my mom's 2 sisters.
Me and Shayne!!
OK......that was the party! It was a great day and she still has TONS of work to do...but its a great start!! The next time we are in SA I will take pics and see all the progress she has made at the store!! She just landed a GREAT redecorating job for a chiropractor in SA...he wants her to REDO the ENTIRE office, pick out paint colors and change every one of his rooms!! If you are in the San Antonio,Texas area and are interested in her services...let me know! She is AMAZING at what she does...she can help you pick out paint colors, STAGE your home, floral arrangements, picture and SO much MORE!!
Hope you enjoyed my LONG post!!
Peace, ♥, COUTURE!!
YAY for Tammy!!!!! Can't wait to be able to afford her to come decorate my house!!!!
Well...she will GLADLY do it!!! XOXO
i will have to check it out when i am down there next cute!!!
WHAT?? You were in town and didn't call me?? We need to meet up for lunch or something next time one of us is close by. Seriously...
Glad it was a great Grand Opening. Neat store..I'll have to check it out.
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