SUPER DUPER excited about this giveaway!! OK...I will give you a little background on how I know this FABULOUS LADY!! She has a little girl and she has been a WONDERFUL customer of mine! Miss E is always decked out in my bows and clothes!! I just LOVE my LOYAL customers!! Well....she started making these really great crosses and I just HAD to have one for my glam R Baby office! So I told her what I liked and she TOTALLY nailed it!! I LOVED it!! So I ended up ordering 2 more....one more for me for my house and one for my sister as a house warming gift. They are SO well made, FABULOUS and the best thing about is that she will make them COMPLETELY custom!! They are made to YOUR specifications! TRUST me...you will NEVER be disappointed with her crosses!!

Isn't it ADORABLE?? It is perfect for your baby's room, your tween's room, college dorm room or maybe you are FUNKY like me and it will GO anywhere in your house!! Love the zebra, the splash of the lime green and the metal cross on top of the 3 layers of crosses.
If you are interested in ordering crosses by Junk By Reese please contact her here or by email. (junkbyreese@yahoo.com) She is working on getting a website when they get back from vacation.
NOW....here are the rules for ENTERING into to our drawing.
You will have 15 TOTAL chances for entries for this AMAZING cross!!
Here are the specifics:
-ANYONE can enter this giveaway, you don't have to have a blog..it is available for ANYONE.
-Leave your FULL name and your favorite HOBBY in a comment: 1 entry
-Post giveaway on your blog & link to my blog & to JUNK BY REESE (let me know) : 2 entries
-Order and pay for a cross by Junk By Reese: 10 entries
-Tell a friend about the giveaway (make sure they let me know your name): 2 entries
Let's get this giveaway started!! Start commenting and GOOD LUCK!! THE GIVEAWAY WILL END on MARCH 22ND at MIDNIGHT!!
MY awesome glam R baby cross!! (photo by B4 Photography)
Love the shape of the crosses and OF course the fleur de lis!
Love the TURQUOISE in this one!!
What a great one to remember a loved one! (This was ordered by a really good friend of mine who's husband lost a brother. She ordered 6 of these crosses for family members.)
How ADORABLE is this one?? This would be SO cute in a nursery or your princesses room!
Love how clean and sophisticated this one is and I love the PERSONALIZATION of it.
Ooohhh..this would look GREAT in my house! I love leopard print and it is scattered ALL throughout my house!
Unfortunately most of us know someone or has a family member that has been affected by Breast Cancer. What another great way to add awareness with this great ALL pink cross!
Last but not least...this super stylish and FUN red and zebra cross with LOTS of BLING!! You all KNOW how I love BLING!! :o)
These are just a few of the possibilities....they are just to give you an idea of what she can do!! Can't wait to see how many entries we get!! Well...I'm finally OFF to bed!! GOODNIGHT or good morning!
Kristin Acoba
My favorite Hobby is Photograpshy! it is my passion. I really love the crosses there soo pretty! even if i dont win i may want to order one! thanks so much.
Hey girl!!! Of course you know my favorite hobby is sewing and creating! I think if I win that cross Kayden will have to just carry it around with her outfit LOL!!! Or I might be inspired to redecorate the girls room!
Great giveaway, I love her crosses!
My hobby is painting, EVERYTHING!
What an a beautiful piece of Art. My hobby is collecting crosses!!!!! All sizes, colors and the more unique the better. I hang all of my crosses in my hallway.
Love it! My "new" favorite hobby is photography. I'm slowly learning and hoping to get better at it. I've always been into various other things such as sewing and crafts. Love being creative! Thanks!
Eryn Laviolette
Love the cross, would be soo cute in my daughters nursery. My favorite hobby is making diaper cakes or anything crafty. Thanks for a great giveaway.
Oh WOW! Those are awesome! My name is LeAnna Hill and I LOVE anything to do with being crafty!!
I love her crosses, so FUN!
Jodi Hayes
I love making hair bows and scrapbooking!!
My name is Cathy Angel, hi Noelle!
My hobby right now is trying to be crafty and make tutus for my daughter!!
My name is Toni Wilcox and my hobby is photography. The crosses are so beautiful!!
My Fav hobby is my phototgraphy!
My name is Kristi Stanberry and my hobby is traveling, but my husband would say it is spending money!
April Gallo -
My hobby at the moment is school, school and more school. I also love anything crafty I can do with my hands from photography to scrapbooking, making cute accessories for my 4 girls, painting, anything.
Hi!My name is Amanda Weaver and my fav. hobby is scrapbooking.I scrap every photo just about,lol.I am fixin to redo my oldest girls room in hot pink and zebra,this would be a wonderful addition!!
Wow this is great! It's a close call between photography and collecting goodmama cloth diapers but infant photography is my favorite of all. My nikon is attached to my hip along with my kids.
Sarah Warnick
My favorite hobby is shopping for cute stuff for my 2 kiddos! :)
Amanda Ward
My fav Hobby is my kids!! As in all the stuff I do for them..taking pics of them or making them cute clothes..or some crafty thing for their room. Which btw..that hot pink & lime cross would match PERFECT! Keep up the good work girls! GlamRBaby clothes are the best & Junk by Reese is cute & classy ;)
Nina McMillan
btw..i posted a blog on BOTH my myspace accts
www.myspace.com/winanina (personal)
Nina McMillan
My name is Seana Johnson, and my favorite Hobby is chasing around my 14 month old daughter!! Ballet comes in a close second when I have the time :-) What beautiful crosses!! She is very talented!
My name is Elysia Wiesen and MY favorite hobby is photography. I love to just go for a walk and see what I can see. I actually started to take myself more serious and now within three months I have a fully licensed and accredited photography studio! I am so excited. Thanks for letting me share my hobby!
AND... The crosses are AMAZING... I tried to paint one a couple months and it was a DISASTER! So I can appreciate the craft(woman)ship that went into such a beautiful piece of art... KEEP IT UP GIRL... I WILL SPREAD THE WORD.. My girlfriends in TEXAS will eat those up!
Thank you ladies!!! Keep posting and telling your friends!! Don't forget to let me know if you post in a blog or on your myspace.
Thanks Girls and guys!! :o)
Peace, ♥,COUTURE!!!
WOW! These crosses are so cute!! I am so happy to have found your blog! My hobby is blogging =)
Thanks for your visit! So you're Tim's cousin? He's a great guy!
I do have an esty store, it's located under "my Links" right under "My followers".
Your blog is fabulous! Love the crosses, I'll have to go check them out. Kristen
My favorite hobby is photography, also. My full name is Stephanie Anne Moody :)
I posted on myspace yesterday a and will do again today...
Those are beautiful crosses! Just beautiful! My favorite hobby is blogging and designing websites...and also photography :)
I love, love, love those crosses! My favorite hobby is creating anything and everything! Great giveaway!
My full name is Laurie Niebuhr (I know this doesn't count as another entry:))
Ashley Swallow - One of my favorite hobbies is scrapbooking! Love the crosses!
Hi my name is Amanda and my hobby if playing the French Horn. :) It really is a unique instrument and it's fun and complicated to play. I always love a great challenge! I hope I win the cross it is so beautiful.
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