It really is Christmas time already. I can't even believe it. I t seems like each year the year goes by faster and faster! Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. I love the twinkling lights, the music, the joy and the celebration of Jesus Christ. I LOVE giving presents and picking out the PERFECT gift for my loved ones. So...to get everyone in the mood I put new music on my blog and I AM DOING A GIVEAWAY!! This will be our first Christmas giveaway BUT not the last!!
OK...here's the rules....You MUST leave your name in the comment section on the BLOG and you must tell me your 2 favorite things about CHRISTMAS!! YEAH!! I just love giveaways!
Also...I want to encourage EVERYONE to go to their local store and get an angel off your local Angel Tree. My hubby and I picked one out this evening while at Wal-Mart. This time of year is about giving, celebrating Jesus, being thankful for what we have, and sharing the love with absolute complete strangers! Why not?? Its Christmas and there are so many children out there that will end up with absolutely nothing on Christmas. As my hubby and I were looking at the Angel Tree and trying to pick someone out, I noticed that some of these kids want clothes and shoes for Christmas, not just toys. That told me that some of these kids really don't have much at all...they would just be SO happy with a new pair of jeans or tennis shoes. So...go out and make just one child's Christmas special!
This is an ADORABLE Christmas Tree Headband. It is on a green cotton headband and it has a real jingle bell in the center! :o) You can request it on a clip or headband if you are the LUCKY winner!
Also...we will be having a SECOND WINNER AS WELL!! YEAH! The 2ND winner will receive a small Christmas bow/headband of my CHOICE, but it will be CHRISTMAS!! So, make sure you leave your comments on the blog and lets make this giveaway bigger than the last!! The more people interested in the giveaways, the MORE I will do...I PROMISE!! SO START LEAVING COMMENTS AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!
Have a wonderful weekend and let's get in the giving spirit...I know I AM!!
Crystal Driggers
My two favorite things about Christmas are getting the chance to be with family and friends when everyone is so cheerful and going to walk through the Enchanted Christmas Forest in James Island, SC and see the beautiful Christmas lights and drink hot chocolate with my hubby. I think this year though, I have to say I am most excited about my little girl coming!!!!! ;o) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!
Jennifer Rudd
2 Fav's
1. Listening to Christmas music in the car and looking at Christmas lights.
2. Going to church Christmas Eve with the kids all dressed up in matching outfits and seeing the church so beautiful and celebrating the true reason for Christmas the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love that you get to be with friends and family and slow down and enjoy I enjoy seeing the kids faces just light up when they open a gift that is something so small but so exciting to them. This year as well is our daughters first Christmas which makes this one extra special!
Carrie McAdams
My two favorite things about Christmas is on Christmas Eve all the family gets together and Santa comes over to visit the kids and drops them off each a gift.The reaction on their faces is priceless.I also love to take my daughter to see all of the Christmas lights.
I could just say my one favorite. I love everything about Christmas. It is my favorite time of the year. Everything is made more beautiful, people are happy, kids eyes light up, and we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
My 2 favorite things about Christmas:
1- I love spending time with all my family.
2- I love baking christmas cookies with my children.
I love just spending time at home with my family.
Amanda Ward
Wow--it is so hard to pick just two favorite things about Christmas time. I love this time of the year so everything is great. I would have to say that the Christmas musicals at our church is something I always look forward too. I love reminding my kids of the TRUE meaning of Christmas. I also love the decorations and the music. It brings such a peaceful, joyful feeling to me. Christmas really is the BEST time of the year!!!
Cyrena Stewart-Hill AFB
Heather Lampman
My two favorite things to do on Christmas are volunteering at the Children's Hospital to read stories and sing Christmas carols with the kiddos. It puts such a huge smile on their face as well as mine. The second thing I love to do on Christmas is spend time with all my family especially since it is my babies first Christmas this year it will be so special.:)
Beth Wahl
1. Taking Ava to HallMark to pick out her new ornament for the year! That is super fun. Just when you think she is going for the Disney princess, she demands Star Wars Chewbacca. That's right...big hairy monster in the center of my tree for the next 15 years!! Don't be jealous!!!
2. Another excuse to eat pumpkin pie!!
2-wrapping pretty gifts w/ BIG matching bows for everyone!!
I enjoy everything about Christmas... But most of all we are getting to spend another Christmas with my father-in-law that has been fighting cancer for 3years now. I also love how my kids eyes just light up on Christmas morning!!!
Natalie Mohler
My two favorite things about Christmas are: getting to celebrate our Lords birthday and making memories that we will remember for the rest of our lives.
my 2 favorite things are: 1.seeing my daughter's face light up when she sees what Santa has left her. 2. letting her pick out her new ornament for the tree ( we do this yearly)
My NEW favorite things about Christmas:
1. I am BEYOND excited to celebrate my daughter's FIRST Christmas this year! She will be 8 months old =] I can't wait to see her very first reaction to Santa, all the lights and music, and unwrapping presents, etc!!.
2. I absolutely LOVE this time of year because our whole family can get together, forget about our problems, and just enjoy our time together over food and laughter! =D
My name is Kelsey, and there are soooo many things I LOVE about Christmas! The weather alone, makes this time of year PERFECT! The lights, music, decorations, giving presents, seeing the look on my daughters face over and over again as a fun present comes her way! It is all just amazing!
i love this time of year! too bad it cant be this time of year all the time!
1. GIVING. i love giving. we are all reminded this time of year of giving. i think it is unfortunate that we only think to do this simple and necessary act once a year. also, i feel we give to the wrong people. we give to people who already have so much instead of the people who have nothing. as Jesus said...what you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.
2. FAMILY. the holiday time is time to spend with family you dont usually get to see. often times we forget we are surronded by these people everyday. we should have to wait for a holiday to see them! i love going to the christmas eve service at church with family! its priceless! im also getting a new neice for christmas!! =) she is due christmas day! i cant wait! that will be the best gift ever!!
Sarah Warnick
I absolutely love christmas time. As a child i didn't celebrate christmas since my moms choice of religion does not celebrate. Now that I am older with kids of my own I really go all out.
My two favorite thing about christmas are, the limited time starbucks coffees. And watching the polar express with my kids the night before christmas.
Wendi Landrum
Spending time with family, sharing stories, cooking, baking all together
Watching the magic of the season through the eyes of my children.
1. I love seeing my children's Christmas programs at daycare. They are so proud of themselves.
2. I love being with family on Christmas. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family that it is so awesome to spend time with them. Ok, of course they all bring the good food too. The time of year to splurge. :)
Thanks for the contests Noelle!
God Bless!
I love to buy gifts for people and see how suprized and excited they are when opening them. I also love to bake cookies and share them with our friends!!!!
Kit Womble
The two things I love most about Christmas are:
1. Getting to spend time with family I don't normally see;
2. Driving around looking at all the lights and decorations.
Thanks for doing this, Noelle! Don't forget to tell us what your 2 fav things are!
I absolutely LOVE Christmas!!! My 2 favotite things this year is getting to spend my first Christmas with my little girl ( she is 7 months now) and my second favorite thing is definitely getting to see spend time with my family that I do't get to see throughout the year!
Ashley Cooley
My 2 favorite things about Christmas are....
1) Every Christmas Eve since i can remember we have gone to the candle light church service. Afterwards we go to my grandmothers for hot chocolate and eggnog and get to open ONE present early! Its great getting to spend time with Family and Friends =)
2) This year is my baby girls very 1st Christmas and i LOVE watching her face light up when she sees the Christmas tree all decorated and Bright!! Its priceless =)
My 2 favorite things about Christmas are #1 seeing my daughters face on Christmas morning that look on her face is just priceless! My second favorite thing about Christmas is getting to see my Family that i dont get to see during the year that time spent with all of us together is so special! =)
Ginger Reinoehl!
Hi Noelle!
Here are my two favorite things about Christmas:
1. Celebrating the birth of Jesus! I love the candlelight service my church does and the opportunity to really acknowledge the fact that Jesus humbled himself enough to be born into this world as a baby.
2. Sharing all the fun stuff of the season with Ayla - Christmas dresses, ornaments on the tree, lights throughout our neighborhood, and cheerful gingerbread houses!
This is a fun question. I could go on forever. :)
Merry Christmas,
Tessa Yeakley
This year my 2 favorite things about the Christmas/Holiday season are:
1. Being surrounded by all the little ones in our family. My cousins and I were all pregnant at the same time so this year all our children will be 15, 16, and 17 months so I will enjoy watching them get excited about lights on the tree and house, opening presents and playing with one another.
2. My daughter being able to spend time with her great great grandmas... yes she has 2 that are still alive and I know this is such precious time that we will not have much more of.
This is so great Noelle~ I love reading what is so special to everyone else too!
Kristen Lindner
My favorite things about Christmas are:
--watching my children light up when they see Christmas lights and hearing them squeal with delight when they spot a tree/ decoration. "Yook Mama, a Cwistmas Twee!"
--I also love that my husband gets to stay home from work for a few extra days. He misses so many of the amazing things I get to see because I am lucky enough that he works to support our family so I can stay home. I love listening to him tell me all the wonderful things he sees our kids do!
Christy K.
2 Favorite Things About Christmas:
1. First and formost, celebrating our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
2. We donate a turkey to a family in need and adopt a child to give gifts too b/c their parents are in prison. The child never knows about us, and the gift is from the parent.Such a wonderful thing!
Although there are many more, these are my favorite two.
Merry Christmas!
Jennifer West, Gilbert AZ
Tammy Magee
My 2 favorite things about Christmas are standing outside on a cold night & watching the Christmas lights twinkling while seeing a falling star in the sky. My other favorite thing is watching my 6 & 3 year olds asking did you see that & did you make a wish.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
My name is Denise and my two favorite things about Christmas are:
1. Celebrating our Savior Jesus Christ, and remembering the true meaning of Christmas.
2. I love the watch people become selfless and give to others. In a world so busy it's nice to see people taking time to care for others.
I have so many others but I think these are my two fav's. I think this is an awesome thing you are doing.
Merry Christmas, and God Bless
Denise Spears
1. Spending time with my family and friends.
2. The warm, cozy feeling you get because Christmas makes you realize the real reason we celebrate.
Love ya!
Amanda Kines-Phillips
The Bailey Family LOVES Christmas! Our favorite things to do is going out to Canton, TX for the Christmas light show and cuddling with our children and having christmas cookies we make and hot chocolate with peppermint sticks. But most of all is celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ our Savior!!!!:) CHEERS TO ALL:)
Have a Wonderful Christmas!
The Bailey Family
There are so many wonderful things about Christmas that it is very hard to pick just two, but I would have to say my two favorites are
1. Celebrating the birth of Jesus
2. Making Christmas traditions to carry on with my almost 1 year old daughter Ava.
I wish everyone a very merry and blessed Christmas
Amber Dodson
TAG! I have tagged you for the Kreativ Blog award and now you have to go copy and past the award sign off of my blog and follow what I have done. Hope you have had a happy Monday!!
P.S. I absolutely LOVE the Christmas music and getting together with family for some good eatin! Merry CHRISTmas!!
My 2 favorite things about Christmas are spending time with all of my family that I don't get to see very often. Also I love decorating with my husband and listening to Christmas music while we work. Now we have our newest addition to spend the holidays with this year and another on the way. More memeories to build!
My most favorite thing about Christmas is seeing my girls on Christmas morning opening their gifts. As a child we didn't get much maybe a few things if we were lucky so I love seeing their smiling happy faces.
My 2nd favorite thing about Christmas is being with family. We all live busy lives and it's wonderful when we can all come together and celebrate such a wonderful time of the year!
Super, fantastic, absolutely favorite things about Christmas.... My husband makes a big fire in the fireplace while we decorate the tree. The kids all sit on the hearth with their backs to the fire and every 2 seconds run up to us to feel their backs because they think are on fire! My favorite is when my youngest does it. Last year she was 1 1/2 and couldn't talk, but would run up to us, grab our hand and put it on her back and just laugh and laugh! Just such a simple, wonderful, easy family time.
Second, when my son was 2 he was really excited that it is Baby Jesus' Birthday. So every year since we have made a birthday cake for Baby Jesus! Kids will always keep the imporatnt stuff in perspective! So fun reading everyones! Thanks for sharing!MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
First I enjoy driving around looking at Christmas lights and listening to Christmas music throughout December.
Second I love to watch my kids open their gifts from Santa. They have so much fun!!
Love all your stuff!!
My two favorite things about Christmas are:
1. Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha. (They just don't seem appropriate any other time!)
2. Watching my niece's pure joy opening gifts...They're Thankful kiddos, so they make it EASY to spoil them.
Hope you enjoy the season...I know I will.
Ally Cook
Odessa, Texas
Hi Noelle! Hmmmm I have so many favorite things about Christmas, I dont know if I can narrow it down to only 2!
Okay, here goes...
2. Every year I get an angel or adopt a family, I get their lists and purchase everything on it and then take it to them on Christmas Eve...Hang on a minute Im choking up here...to see those little children and their moms and dad or whoever it is raising them faces and the tears of joy and the smiles is almost more than I can handle...I get my true reward being able to enjoy them for a moment that they did not even know if they were going to be able to have...Whoa!
Jennifer Wehman
Corpus Christi
It's so hard to pick just two, but my absolute favorite thing about Christmas is the quiet that you can find (in between all the hustle and bustle of EVERYTHING). It seems that I always have a chance to take a breath and reflect on the past year...
I also love having the chance to visit my large family and extended family and trying to cram visits into as few of days as possible. My husband and I call it the "Tour of Texas", and we do it every year!
Lindy Hernandez
1. Being with family and watching the excitement on the kids face when they see all the lights, gifts, etc...
2. Wrapping lots of pretty gifts with pretty bows :)
Nicole Weatherford
hey this is nikki.....i just found your myspace and your blog.....and i love your stuff....i just had my little girl so i have many more years of buying bows
my two fav things
watching everyone's faces as they open presents
the music!!!
There are too many favorites of mine during this time of year, but this year my #1 favorite will be watching my 8 month old little girl experience her very 1st Christmas!!! She absolutely LOVES Christmas trees...the lights, the sparkly ornaments, and the Christmas music! She's too cute to watch...she gets so excited and starts giggling and laughing!!
My 2nd favorite thing about Christmas and the most important is the True reason for the season...Jesus Christ. I love all that God has given me and my family and I would'nt want anything more than to celebrate Jesus's birthday!
I love singing Christmas Carols at church.
I love all the fun and festive foods. But of course not what it does to my figure.
My 2 favorite things at Christmas:
1) Candy canes
2) Waking up Christmas morning to watch the kids reaction to gifts left by Santa.
Merry Christmas!
Brittani Ford
Well Christmas to me is about God and how truly blessed we all are!!!The second thing is after 3 years of trying to have a baby my husband and i have finally been blessed!! This is our second child and im really excited for what the good lord has in store for us!!
My two fav things about Xmas are.... Decorating the tree with family... sharing the experience with new ones and even sometimes new friends...
Second... seeing the looks on little kids faces, even the children I don't even know... There smiles just lights up the world and make me feel so alive and know there is happiness in this world, even with saddness and fear of what's could happen tomorrow.
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